Monday, March 19, 2012

Spooty's booties!

He was such a good boy, so patient! Though he must have lost some sensation in his feet cuz he walked into his water dish!

Hail Storm!

It looked positively snowy outside! Quite a contrast to the 80 degree sunny spring we were having in the Phoenix area!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Sunday, March 4, 2012


Fun times conquering the purple squid, one tentacle at a time.


LOL worthy horseshoe... :)

Cast in Bronze

Epic bell piano thingy!

Petting Zoo


Piraty Stuffs!


Neat Dodads

Pirate hats complete with pirate ships! My little pony! Glass pirate ship and purple octopus!

Little Puppet Friend!



Brooms and Sticks

Chain Mail

The strongest finest "male" in the kingdom as he says! Freely fondle the male! Mail? LOL

The Knotty Nauticals

Pirate show!!